Securing Your Home and Vehicles Around the Holidays

The holidays can be an exciting time, but they can also be stressful. Many people travel, going from one place to another to visit family and friends. Some people drive for hours or spend a lot of time in an airplane to get to their destinations on time.
Unfortunately, with so many people not at home during the holidays, thefts tend to occur. Thieves look for signs that people are gone and break in, stealing jewelry, expensive items, money and anything else of value. Sometimes thefts occur in store parking lots, restaurants and other public places. In these cases, premises liability laws may apply, meaning that the business would be liable for the damages you suffered in a theft case.
Your best course of action, however, is to keep your home and vehicles safe during the holidays. Here are some tips to avoid theft so you don’t feel like Scrooge this Christmas.
Avoid Discussing Travel Plans on Social Media
Many people brag about where they’re going for the holidays. Maybe they’re going on an island getaway or a cruise. In any case, avoid saying anything on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other website. No matter how safe you think your accounts are, anyone can see what you post. When you discuss an upcoming vacation, you are telling thieves that you won’t be home, giving them a prime opportunity to break in.
Keep Packages Out of Sight
Nothing is more tempting than leaving presents out for a burglar to see. Thieves love to see Christmas trees with presents underneath. They may break in your home to see what goodies they can score. If you must be away from your home, hide the gifts to make your home less inviting. The same applies when you are parking your vehicle. Hide valuables in glove boxes or the trunk. Avoid leaving them out in plain sight.
Know How to Park
When out shopping, park near other vehicles. You may be tempted to park as far away from others as possible, but this makes your car stand out. Park near the entrance, where it is brightly lit and there are a lot of people. Criminals are less likely to steal a car when there are people around.
Be Vigilant and Prepared
When walking back to your vehicle, have your keys ready and walk quickly. Look where you are going and don’t be distracted by phones and other items. When you get to your vehicle, get inside as quickly as you can and lock your doors.
Get Legal Help for Your Florida Premises Liability Case
Theft is often a premises liability case. Therefore, a place of business may be held liable for your stolen valuables or any injuries you incur as part of a theft case.
The Tampa premises liability attorneys at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group may be able to help you recover compensation for your losses in a theft case. To learn more, contact our office today. Fill out the online form or call 813-242-4404.