Tag Archives: Arrested

Understanding Evidence: The Chain of Custody
Evidence is the foundation of any legal case. As such, it is critically important that criminal defendants are able to ensure that all forms of evidence being presented against them are legitimate. Before the prosecution can submit a piece of evidence at trial, they must first prove that they can authenticate the evidence. In… Read More »
Six Things You Need to Remember After Being Arrested in Florida
You need to take all criminal charges, including misdemeanor charges, very seriously. It is normal to feel overwhelmed after being charged; arrests are always stressful, confusing and intimidating. Unfortunately, many people actually damage their own cases by making preventable mistakes immediately after or during an arrest. Do not let this happen to you. If… Read More »
Arrested in Florida? What You Need to Know
Florida criminal law is extremely complex. If you find yourself facing a criminal charge, it is normal to feel both confused and intimidated. You need to take swift action. A criminal conviction could come with severe penalties, and it could stay on your record for the rest of your life. If you, or a… Read More »