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Tampa Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, hit and run accidents are on the rise. It is estimated that around 9% of all vehicle accidents are hit and runs. Officials have stated that Florida is seeing an alarming increase in the number of hit and runs. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, from 2013 to 2014, hit and run crashes in Florida increased by 23%. Hit and run accidents oftentimes involve pedestrians or bicyclists and can be catastrophic, but even if you have the protection of a car, they can be just as devastating. If you or a loved one was the victim of a hit and run accident, call the experienced Tampa hit and run accident lawyers at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group for a free consultation. We treat our clients with respect, and we pride ourselves on the quality of our legal work.

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

A hit and run accident is defined as an accident in which the driver fails to stop and exchange proper information. If you are struck by a hit and run driver and are injured, the most important thing is your health, so the first thing you should do is call 911 to have medical personnel and law enforcement come to the scene.

When it is safe to do so, collect all the evidence that you can. This information should be given to the police so that they can include it in their report. Get the license plate number of the driver who hit you and a description if possible. Focus on the color, make and model of the car, as well as any special characteristics that stand out. Even the most minor details can help locate the driver that hit you.

All witnesses to the accident should be identified, and asked to give all the information that they can. If you have their contact information so that they can testify in a deposition or at trial, that would be very helpful.

Types of Recovery

For hit and run cases, knowing which source to seek recovery from is crucial, so it is important that you consult with an experienced Tampa hit and run accident lawyer. You can seek recovery from the driver’s insurance company or the driver (if they are located). If not, you may be able to recover from your own insurance company through Florida’s uninsured motorist laws.

It is important that you understand your insurance policy. Dealing with the insurance company after a hit and run accident can be complicated, so it is crucial that you call an experienced personal injury law lawyer. Oftentimes, insurance companies will try to offer you the lowest amount they can. Do not accept this offer until you have consulted with one of our qualified attorneys.

The type of recovery depends on many factors, and the experienced hit and run lawyers at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group can help you evaluate your case with a free consultation.

Tampa Hit & Run Accident Lawyer

What We Can Do for You

We will work to make sure that law enforcement does not forget about your case. This is very important, because a criminal proceeding is very helpful in proving civil liability. We will help you find different sources of recovery. Because hit and run drivers oftentimes do not have insurance or cannot be located, these cases require aggressive, quality legal representation, which is what we pride ourselves on.

Call Us Today About Your Tampa Hit and Run Case

The experienced Tampa hit and run lawyers at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group can help you evaluate your case with a free consultation. We provide quality legal representation, and we treat our clients with respect. Call us today at 813-242-4404 for a free consultation.

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