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Tag Archives: Tampa Criminal Defense Attorneys


Can Florida Police Search Your Cell Phone?

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Your cell phone, much like your computer, holds a considerable amount of sensitive personal information.  As such, it is of little surprise that law enforcement officials often have a desire to access this information.  However, you have every right to keep your phone, its contents, and you personal privacy protected.  Florida police officers do… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Florida’s Pre-Trial Intervention Program

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

In Florida, some offenders, including certain felony offenders, may be eligible to enter a pre-trial intervention program. This type of program is a diversion program that can, if successfully completed, result in your criminal charges being dismissed. Here, our Florida felony defense lawyers discuss some of the important things you should know about our… Read More »

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Six Things You Need to Remember After Being Arrested in Florida

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

You need to take all criminal charges, including misdemeanor charges, very seriously. It is normal to feel overwhelmed after being charged; arrests are always stressful, confusing and intimidating. Unfortunately, many people actually damage their own cases by making preventable mistakes immediately after or during an arrest. Do not let this happen to you. If… Read More »

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Sealing or Expunging a Criminal Record in Florida (Frequently Asked Questions)

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

What Does it Mean to have a Criminal Record Sealed? In Florida, a criminal record that has been sealed will officially become confidential information. This means that the general public will no longer have any legal means to access this information. Though, it must be noted that state and local police officers may be… Read More »

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Three Ways You Could be Arrested for a DUI in Florida

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

As most people know, the majority of DUI arrests occur after a police officer has pulled a motorist over to the side of the road. However, not all DUI arrests occur this way. In Florida, there are other ways you can be arrested. Regardless of the circumstances of the arrest, any DUI conviction can… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Battery Charges in Florida

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

All Florida criminal charges, including any misdemeanor charges, need to be taken seriously. In particular, a misdemeanor battery conviction can result in severe consequences. If you, or a family member, has been charged with battery in Florida, you need to speak to an experienced Tampa misdemeanor defense attorney as soon as possible. Simple Battery… Read More »

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Controversy Arises Over Forceful Arrest of Tampa Teenager

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

The Tampa Bay Times recently reported that a video of a 15-year-old being forcefully arrested by a Tampa Bay Police Officer has gone viral on Youtube. The arrest occurred on North Franklin Street, near City Hall. The video raises serious questions about the conduct of the officer and treatment of the accused teenager. If… Read More »

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Accused of Violating Probation? Here is What You Need to Know

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

If you have been charged with violation of probation (VOP) you need act quickly. In Florida, this type of charge can turn into a serious crime, with very serious consequences. Under state law, there are two types of probation violations: New law violations: Many VOP charges stem from new arrests. If you are on… Read More »

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Florida DUI: Refusal To Submit Laws And Defense

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

After pulling you over for a suspected DUI, a Florida police officer may ask you to submit to a breathalyzer test, a blood test or a urine test. If you decline to submit to the test, you will likely be charged with a DUI refusal. This charge can come with very serious penalties. If… Read More »

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DUI Manslaughter in Florida

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

DUI charges are taken very seriously under Florida law. Depending on the details of your particular incident, a conviction can result in incarceration, high fines, and the loss of your driving privileges. You may even receive a manslaughter charge, if the accident results in death. When faced with DUI allegations, it is important to… Read More »

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