Tag Archives: Tampa Divorce Lawyers

The Benefits of Collaborative Divorces
When people think of a divorce they often think that it can be either uncontested, where the parties generally agree on everything, or contested. Many people are not aware that there is a third category, called a collaborative divorce, which allows the parties to resolve even disputed issues, with lessened time, expense, and heartache… Read More »

There are Stringent Requirements to Modifying Parenting Plans
When you are getting divorced, you may settle the matters in your case through agreement. This is favored—by doing so, you get to negotiate what will happen to your property and your children without leaving it in the hands of a judge. Agreeing to Time Sharing of Children When you originally negotiate an agreement,… Read More »

Planning Tips If You Are Thinking About Divorce
One of the biggest questions people have who are preparing themselves for a divorce or who see one coming on the horizon is what should they do or not do to plan in advance. The answer obviously depends on your personal situation, but there are some guidelines everyone should follow to help them prepare…. Read More »