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Tag Archives: Tampa Product Liability Lawyers

E Cigg

Exploding E-Cigarette Severely Burns Man

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

The New York Daily News reports that a local man was recently seriously injured after his e-cigarette exploded in his pocket. The man sustained severe burns and as a result he was required to undergo a multi-hour skin graft surgery. This is far from the first time that an e-cigarette has caused serious injuries…. Read More »

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When In-Home Services Lead to Injury

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

When you invite a professional company into your home, you expect that the services provided will be up to industry standards and completed in a manner that improves your quality of life, instead of detracting from it. Unfortunately, these endeavors can go terribly wrong when the service provider acts in a negligent manner or… Read More »

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