What to Know About Head-on Crashes

Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident. Such an event can be scary and emotional, especially if someone got seriously injured or killed. If you are ever in a car crash, hopefully it will be minor and not one that is a major, like a head-on collision.
As the name implies, a head-on collision occurs when two vehicles collide head-on, or when the fronts of both vehicles hit each other. This type of crash often occurs when one vehicle is going in the wrong direction, or is in the other vehicle’s lane because it is passing other cars. A head-on crash can occur when a driver is going around a curve and fails to stay in their lane. It can also be caused by intoxication or distracted or reckless driving. Road conditions and driving while fatigued can also cause a head-on crash
While head-on crashes account for just a small number of car accidents, they account for a large number of deaths because of the impact involved. In such a crash, both vehicles are typically traveling at high speeds. Such an impact can not only total a vehicle, but cause catastrophic injuries to the occupants of the vehicles. Those who survive these accidents often suffer from broken bones, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries and even paralysis
Head-on crashes are more likely to occur in rural areas. They make up 13 percent of all fatal accidents in rural areas. In urban areas, they make up less than 7 percent of fatal accidents.
Determining Liability
In a head-on crash, it must be determined which driver is liable. The at-fault driver is the one who breached their duty to drive in a careful manner. By breaching this duty, the person caused an accident that led to serious injuries or death.
All motorists have a duty to use reasonable care while driving. They should look out for other vehicles, as well as pedestrians, animals and road hazards. They should also be able to control the speed of their vehicle. When they fail to do the above, they can be considered negligent or reckless.
If you were a victim of a head-on crash and you can prove that the other driver was at fault, you can file a lawsuit and seek compensation for a variety of damages. This includes medical bills, medications, physical therapy, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering and wrongful death (if someone died).
Get Legal Help for Your Florida Car Accident Case
Any type of car accident can be fatal, but head-on crashes are especially deadly. The forces involved can cause both vehicles to sustain extensive damage. Such crashes can also involve extensive investigation and research.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, get help from the Tampa car accident attorneys at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group. We can help you with your claim and prove damages. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling our office at 813-242-4404.