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Tag Archives: Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer


Landlord Liability for Florida Dog Bite Injuries

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

According to the Florida Department of Health, dog bites result in hundreds of overnight hospital stays in our state every year. We need to do more to protect innocent victims of dog attacks, who are disproportionately young children. Dog owners have the primary legal responsibility to protect the public from the risks posed by… Read More »

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Four Tips for Dealing With Insurance Adjuster After a Car Accident Fl

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

If you have been injured in a Florida car accident, it is normal to feel confused and overwhelmed. Due to the confusing nature of the process, many accident victims turn to the insurance adjuster for help after their accident. After all, who knows the claims process better than the insurance company? This is a… Read More »

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Florida Wrongful Death Claims: Four Frequently Asked Questions

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Losing a loved one in an accident is gut wrenching. Things are made all the more painful if you learn that the accident could have easily been prevented. In these situations, the Florida Wrongful Death Act provides a legal option for close family members of the victim. While no legal action can make up… Read More »

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Florida Car Accidents: How to Handle an Uninsured Motorist

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Under Florida law, all drivers are required to carry insurance coverage for both personal injuries and property damage. Unfortunately, far too many drivers fail to live up to this legal obligation. The Insurance Information Institute (III) reports that as many as 24 percent of Florida drivers lack the requisite coverage. To put this number… Read More »

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Defective Medical Devices are a Serious Safety Hazard

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

There is no doubt that advances in science and medicine have saved many lives across the country and throughout the state of Florida. Innovative medical devices have played a major role in improving the outcomes of some serious health issues. Unfortunately though, there can also be a downside to our reliance on cutting edge… Read More »

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Highway Fatalities Were Up Significantly in the First Half of 2016

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

According to reporting from the Wall Street Journal, highway deaths rose by more than ten percent in the first half of 2016. This is an extremely alarming figure. Not only is the rise unusually large, but it appears that this increase may be the early part of developing trend. Deadly accidents in Florida have… Read More »

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Nursing Home Residents Have Important Rights

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Each year, many families in Tampa Bay and throughout the state of Florida are forced to make a difficult decision regarding the future living arrangements of a loved one. While a nursing home is often the best choice in the circumstance, it is never an easy decision to make. The issue is made all… Read More »

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Florida Personal Injury Lawsuits: Can I Afford an Attorney?

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

One question comes up a lot: I was injured, but I can not afford an attorney; what do I do? Many Florida victims are worried that the services of an attorney will simply be out of reach. This is a common misconception. You can always afford an attorney for your injury case. Instead of… Read More »

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First Deadly Self Driving Car Accident Occurs in Florida

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Back on May 7th, a fatal collision between a tractor trailer and a Tesla took place in Williston, Florida. Recently, as more details of the accident have emerged, the crash has become a national story. As reported by the Associated Press, this accident was the first time a driver died in the United States… Read More »

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Florida Product Liability Claims

By The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group |

Every company that operates in Florida has a legal responsibility to ensure that their products are reasonably safe. A product that presents an unreasonable risk to consumers should not be on the market. Companies must be held accountable for any damage that is caused by their products. If you or a family member was… Read More »

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