Tag Archives: Tampa Bay Criminal Defense

Were Your Charged With Driving With a Suspended License in Florida?
It is something almost every driver has experienced: You are going on about your day, when suddenly there are blue and red lights and sirens coming flying up behind you. You are getting pulled over. Any traffic stop can ruin a driver’s day. No matter how minor the infraction, getting pulled over is intimidating… Read More »
Six Things You Need to Remember After Being Arrested in Florida
You need to take all criminal charges, including misdemeanor charges, very seriously. It is normal to feel overwhelmed after being charged; arrests are always stressful, confusing and intimidating. Unfortunately, many people actually damage their own cases by making preventable mistakes immediately after or during an arrest. Do not let this happen to you. If… Read More »
What You Need to Know About Battery Charges in Florida
All Florida criminal charges, including any misdemeanor charges, need to be taken seriously. In particular, a misdemeanor battery conviction can result in severe consequences. If you, or a family member, has been charged with battery in Florida, you need to speak to an experienced Tampa misdemeanor defense attorney as soon as possible. Simple Battery… Read More »