Category Archives: Divorce

Be Careful What You Post on Social Media
Social media is everywhere, and most of us consider it relatively harmless. But the things that we put on social media in the form of words, pictures or videos, can come back to haunt us. If you are in the middle of a divorce, or are anticipating being divorced, it’s important to be mindful… Read More »

Does Adultery Matter in a Divorce Case?
Adultery is devastating to any relationship, including a marriage. The violation of trust can cause bitter feelings that can not only lead to divorce, but that infect the divorce process, making it hard for the parties to make rational decisions through feelings of anger, hurt, shame, and upset. But does adultery legally matter in… Read More »

Can You Be Awarded Assets in a Divorce Before the Case is Finalized?
You are likely aware that as a general rule, in a Florida divorce, assets will be divided (though not necessarily equally between the parties), and some property may even be ordered to be sold or liquidated with the proceeds going to each party as determined by the judge. However, like any type of case,… Read More »

Lessons to be Learned from Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’ Divorce
Amazon owner and founder Jeff Bezos is getting a divorce. It is likely that the divorce of the richest man in the world is different than your divorce, but there are still lessons to be learned from what the Bezos’ are going through. Prenuptial Agreements The rumor is that the Bezos’ did not have… Read More »

Do You Need an Accounting or Business Valuation Expert in Your Divorce?
The question of whether you will need any kind of expert in your divorce case is a difficult one to answer. Any issue resolved by agreement will eliminate the need to retain experts in that particular area. But where agreements cannot be reached, and where the issues in dispute require specific technical or specialized… Read More »

Make Sure Your Prenuptial Agreement Isn’t Ambiguous
Premarital or prenuptial agreements (“prenups”) are, at their core, contracts, and are read as such. That means that where courts can apply common sense, or the obvious meaning of language can be used, that’s how courts will interpret the agreements. But when there is ambiguity in the language used, courts will have to turn… Read More »

Planning Tips If You Are Thinking About Divorce
One of the biggest questions people have who are preparing themselves for a divorce or who see one coming on the horizon is what should they do or not do to plan in advance. The answer obviously depends on your personal situation, but there are some guidelines everyone should follow to help them prepare…. Read More »

You Can’t Underemploy Yourself to Avoid Payments in a Divorce
One of the biggest issues we hear in a family law case is that an ex (or soon-to-be ex) is purposely not earning enough money to seem like they make less money in hopes of avoiding paying alimony or child support. One spouse may feel that the other is running a business into the… Read More »