Category Archives: Child Custody

Temporary Support Can Help While a Case is Going On
Although we would like for the divorce process to go by quicker, and for parties to resolve their disputes as amicably as possible, the reality is that just is not always the case. The most contested divorces can drag on in courts for over a year, depending on the complexity of the issues that… Read More »

Timesharing Apps Cause Concern as More Judges Start Requiring Their Usage
It may not surprise you that there are apps that you can use on your phones to help you manage your custody and visitation schedules with your ex. What may surprise you is that some judges are mandating that divorced couples use these apps in an attempt to reduce fighting and keep families out… Read More »

Can a Minor Testify in a Custody Dispute?
When parents argue about child custody, one of the first things they usually do to try to prove that they should get the majority of time with the child is to request that the court ask the child what he or she wants. On the surface, this may seem logical–why not get the opinion… Read More »

Grandparents Have Limited Rights to Custody and Time-Sharing
When we think of custody battles, we often think of them in terms of mom or dad having rights to raise or house the children. But what about grandparents? There are instances when grandparents may provide a more loving, caring, and nurturing environment than one or both parents. Grandparents Historically Have Few Rights For… Read More »

Should You Ask for a Guardian Ad Litem in a Custody Case?
If you’re involved in a contested divorce case involving custody of kids, you may not have given much thought about having a guardian ad litem (GAL) appointed. A GAL can be a valuable asset when mom and dad have conflicting stories about who is most qualified to live with the children, or contested versions… Read More »

Custody Doesn’t Mean What You Think in Florida
The word custody when it comes to a child or children in a divorce is thrown around very often. But as is the case with many kinds of legal terms, the legal definition of custody in Florida is much different than the meaning that most of the population gives to it. While it isn’t… Read More »