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Tampa Alimony Lawyer

A sign of the times, there are new terms that now refer to alimony: spousal support or spousal maintenance. Thought to be commonplace, spousal support is not awarded in all divorces. The determination whether to grant support is up to the court and is based on several factors. A few include:

  • The financial condition of the party seeking support;
  • The length of the marriage;
  • The level of assistance as one spouse supports the education of the other;
  • Whether or not children are present;
  • The income level of the spouse who is the breadwinner; and
  • The standard of living the couple enjoyed during their marriage.

There are other criteria calculated into the decision as well. Our firm of highly trained Tampa alimony lawyers can provide you with all of the necessary information to ensure you receive the support you deserve.

The Various Forms of Alimony in Florida

After evaluating the financial needs of one spouse and the other spouse’s ability to meet those needs, alimony is awarded (or not awarded in some cases). In Florida, courts have the ability to tailor support so that it is specific to each situation. This flexibility has allowed several types of alimony to exist in the state:

  • Temporary alimony;
  • Lump sum alimony;
  • Permanent alimony, which is typically used for unions that have lasted longer than 17 years;
  • Rehabilitative alimony, which is awarded when one party would like to complete their education so they may be more marketable when seeking a job; and
  • Durational alimony, which may be provided for a length of time that isn’t longer than the duration of the marriage.
  • Bridge-the-gap alimony, which helps one spouse transition to their new life.

The party providing spousal support is not necessarily obligated to pay for the rest of his or her life. Spousal support will terminate automatically if the party receiving the support remarries or if either spouse passes away.

A court may also terminate or amend an award of permanent alimony if the party receiving the support in a “supportive relationship.” Many criteria are used to verify the existence of a supportive relationship. A few are:

  • The length of time the party receiving the support lived with another person in a permanent residence;
  • The extent to which the party receiving the support combined their assets with another person; and
  • Whether or not the party receiving the support and their new partner have worked jointly to create anything of value.

These are just a few of the determining factors. Let our team provide further detail on any questions you may have.

Knowledgeable Spousal Maintenance Lawyers in Tampa

The myriad of issues faced when seeking spousal support can be daunting. Fortunately, our experienced spousal support attorneys are able to help guide you through the most difficult of cases. Reach out to us for family law help today.

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